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  • Writer's pictureMissy Blankenship

Update on the Garden (in other words, no eggs yet)

We're still on egg watch, so I thought I should update everyone on the state of the garden. It's gotten off to a slow start, and mistakes have been made, but I'm learning as I go, and hopefully next year will be better. I did get some nice potatoes, and will plant those again for the fall. The tomatoes are finally coming in, but the green beans so far have been a bust. Aphids - I curse them. We've harvested some onions and have them curing in the shop. Cucumbers are finally taking off, with lots of blooms but not much fruit set yet. Will keep my fingers crossed. The biggest disappointment has to be the peppers. In the past I've had great luck with peppers in my backyard in Flower Mound, which was less than ideal growing conditions, to say the least. But this year, well, they're not doing anything. I'm open to suggestions.

I am already planning for next year - will be moving the herb garden into the front yard (just across the fence) and enlarging it. Will also add a pollinator garden between the herb garden and the watermelon patch. Have had a nice bed of zinnias over by the garage, but that's on the other side of the house from the garden. Will keep that bed going and add a new one by the garden. Will definitely do my seed starts earlier next year, and will improve the lighting situation. My seedlings got leggy this year and weren't very strong.

Still hoping for a good watermelon crop. The plants are vining and blooming, but they've yet to set fruit. Fingers crossed.

Here's a few pics from the garden taken today.

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